Sunday, October 4, 2009

One week left :(

As my time here draws to a close, I am finding myself wanting to stay more and more. This past week I had to remind my students that this coming Friday is my last day here. It's so sad for me to think of saying goodbye to them. They are all so sweet and I will miss them!
I've been finding plenty to keep me busy though. On Tuesday I went with some people to see a ballet at the Thailand Cultural Center. Unfortunately, we hired a taxi driver who didn't know where he was going. After turning around in the wrong spot, we sat in traffic for a long time. Finally we decided just to walk the rest of the way. We arrived a half hour late and missed half the show! :( Oh well. That's what happens sometimes here.
On Thursday I was invited over for dinner by the parents of one of my students. It was nice to be in a home again and to eat a real meal! :) However, my student was afraid that when I came I would give her extra homework. Once we established that I would never do that, I think she enjoyed having me over. :)
Yesterday was another busy day. I got to visit Wat Arun (Temple of the Dawn) with Heidi and Miriam. I have now been to the three major temples in Bangkok. This one was different from the other two and was very pretty. The walls were a mosaic pattern made out of broken dishes. The steep steps that seemed more like a ladder made me face my fear of heights. I made it up, however!
Please pray for me this last week as I finish up teaching. I am looking forward to coming home, but I will miss everyone that I have gotten to know here.