Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good News Club

Today was the first day of Good News Club after school. Every Tuesday starting in September and running throughout the school year, ICS holds this for the elementary students. I was asked to lead the 3rd graders around while I'm here because they didn't have anyone. I didn't think it was going to be all that hard since all I have to do is to lead them to the different activities. However, I didn't realize that I'd have 27 kids, many of whose names I don't know. Once we got to the first station, it settled down and I enjoyed it. :)
Please pray for these kids, as some of them do not come from Christian homes. This is a great chance for them to hear more about God every week.
This week I am also continuing on working with my class on their Social Studies project. Today and yesterday they were making maps of their imaginary countries. I have really enjoyed seeing all of their ideas and creativity. Most of them are enjoying it so much that they asked to do it during their free times of the day. (By the way, I cannot take credit for the idea - one of the other third grade teachers came up with it.)
Well, that's all for now! :)


  1. Hi Janita,
    We enjoy looking at your blog and all the pictures you have posted. Miss you, Grandpa & Grandma W.

  2. Hi Janita,
    Grandpa just showed me how to comment. So now I'm a modern Grandma.

  3. Love the picture of you, Chris, & ? Grandma

  4. Becky is in the picture too! Thanks Grandma! :)
