This is a picture of my work area in the classroom. After my first day they set up a computer and two desks for me. You should see it now! It's covered with papers!
I just wanted to start off by saying that today flew by! Today was my first day to teach reading to the kids. That went pretty well although I think a lot of them did not quite understand the vocabulary words. We'll have to review them again tomorrow.
I had a fifteen minute break during spelling, and then I led the Social Studies time. The kids got to share their create-a-country projects to the class. Some of them turned out really cute and funny too! :)
I taught Bible after recess. Then the class had computer time and I had them do a webquest about the Olympics that another teacher put together. (Our story in reading this week is about the Olympics.) Next, while the class went to music, I wrote a Bible lesson and did some grading.
Then I read to them for 15 minutes before lunch. I just started a new story on Wednesday - Ramona Quimby - Age 8. It's such a good story; I've read it at least 10 times! I can hear Robin laughing at the funny parts while I'm reading. :)
Anyways, it was hard to believe that the day was over this afternoon! Tomorrow I'm teaching 4 lessons so I'm sure it will go even faster!
So that's what's been going on at school...This weekend was fun for me. On Friday some of us teachers went and got a foot massage. It was only 200 baht (six dollars) for an hour! It was nice to relax after the week!
Then we
went and made sushi at a teacher's apartment. I have never really had sushi before, so this was a new experience for me. It was pretty good though.
On Saturday we went to a "Living in Bangkok" fair at the hospital, which is huge, by the way. I went with Holly, one of the other teachers here, and we could not figure out where everything was!
There was also a craft fair where I was able to buy a few souvenirs! :)
I also got to visit Lisa who is in the hospital. I'm sure most of you already know that she got in a bad car accident several weeks ago. She is still in a coma. Heidi (another teacher who knows her) and I were able to visit her room and talk to her mother, who flew in from America, for a long time.
Anyways, please pray for me this week as I am teaching more. Also, especially pray for Lisa that she heals quickly! Please pray for her family too, as they wait and trust God. Thank you for all your prayers and support!
Hi Janita - So does it feel great to be a teacher?? You sound like you are loving it...
ReplyDeleteAunt Beth
I am enjoying it! Thanks Aunt Beth!